Well hello there.  I know it's been almost a year and so much has happened since then.  I've been meaning to write more but sometimes life sometimes gets in the way and you have to make decisions that may or may not be in your favor.  I'm sure by now you all know that last year i went back to work and while i love my job very much, I wish i had the financial stability to be able to stay home and write. I have no personal time left.  None whatsoever.

So why even keep this blog or author page active, you ask?  Well i would be lying if i said i haven't thought about deleting my page once or twice.  We second-guess everything we do, don't we?  And if you look around, you notice that most of the authors no matter how famous they get, they still have doubts and still get nervous with every book they put out.  Until you are in their shoes, it's hard to understand.  For some, writing is a job.  For others is simply a talent they have and want to share with the world. And then there's authors like me... writing to get a way from "things" that are happening or have happened in the past.  It's like a drug that keeps us going.  It may not be the best, but it makes us feel better inside.  

But this is not about me.  Not today.  This is about some stuff I've seen lately on FB that really got me wondering.  Why are we so mean?  Seriously.  Take a minute and look at yourself in the mirror and ask this questions:  are you a nice person?  Or are you one of these people hiding behind the computer screen lashing out on others just because you can?

Everyday we come across post about someone having a rough day because he or she was called fat or ugly, their writing was harshly judged, or they were being ridiculed because they were posting too many pictures of their kids (i'm not even kidding).    These are not kids being bullied.  These are parents, and wives, and sisters, and friends of ours. How do we expect our kids to be better when we act this way?  

So today i'm asking you to speak up against all bullying.  Help a friend in need.  Think before you say or type anything.  If you have a bad day, step back and think of one good thing that's happening in your life.  The fact that you woke up this morning is good enough.  Write down the positives every day and by the end of the week you'll have at least seven good things.   

I wish you all happiness today and always.  Stay happy my friends ;) 

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